Green School goes on the road with Earthbound

Green School - September 22, 2016
Earthbound is an incredible program. Learning by doing, not just here in Bali but all around the world during a traveling semester.
Follow their stories and journey as they get up close with the big issues.”
About Earthbound:
Semester one began on August 22 at Kul Kul Farm next to Green School where we began our orientation. Focusing on the first permaculture design principle: Observe and Interact, we began to explore the neighbourhood around Green School, uncovering stories and meeting unsung heroes who were finding innovative solutions to many issues plaguing our immediate community. We took our tools of observation and investigation to Lombok to work with Oceans.Care and meet the local activists, journalists, artists and citizens who are trying to keep their island from drowning in plastic. Next week we head to the heart of the conflict palm oil crisis as we visit the pristine and endangered Leuser Ecosystem in Sumatra. From there we head to Greece to unpack the complexities of the refugee and economic crises, learn about the history of democracy, take part in environmental clean-up projects and more. This semester also includes a residency on a farm in Italy and culminates at the COY12 and the COP22 in Morocco where our young activists, journalists, performers and students will have a platform to speak their minds as they seek climate justice and raise awareness about the many global issues that plague our world.
Earthbound Traveling Semester Earthbound Traveling Semester Earthbound Traveling Semester
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