16 Jul Australian Financial Review: The hippy hotelier upping the ante in Bali luxury
Excerpt: “Concrete and steel are two of the most destructive industries on the planet. They’re a scourge on the environment,” he says. “With bamboo, you get...
Excerpt: “Concrete and steel are two of the most destructive industries on the planet. They’re a scourge on the environment,” he says. “With bamboo, you get...
A conversation with Orin and John Hardy by Matador Network's No Fixed Address Podcast. [embed]https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/no-fixed-address/episodes/Could-Bamboo-Save-the-World--A-Builder-in-Bali-is-Leading-the-Way-e2j4tc3/a-ab7op7k[/embed] "This episode was recorded in a magical fairy land. Well, not really...
A conversation with Indagare, a boutique travel design company, about what we're currently doing. In this episode, John and Melissa Biggs Bradley cover Green School,...
Tow great videos about Green School Bali. Green School Bali on CNA: “We believe that education needs to change. It needs to adapt to the future,” said...
The latest IBUKU project featured in New York Times: “Designed by Elora Hardy, the creative director of the Bali-based architecture firm Ibuku, the treehouses, which sleep...
Student climate change champions around the world (Financial Times) “The environmental commitment of the Green School is demonstrated in its building. Students and staff have built...
Schools are taking more time to look at the child and what they stand for. John and Cynthia Hardy, CO-FOUNDERS, GREEN SCHOOL INTERNATIONAL “What we’re teaching is...
“Our home is a very private and sacred space for us,” shares Cynthia Hardy, co-founder along with her husband, John, of Bali's innovative and environmental...
Green Village gets a mention in Bloomberg. Thanks, Gisela Williams! Still, there are many reasons in addition to wellness for imaginative eco-enclaves to sprout up, not only...
Juliet Kinsman writes about the 'green family' in CNTraveler: Every morning, John invites guests of Bambu Indah, his boutique hotel outside Ubud, on a “trash walk”...