Innovative school design and Green School
Green School, Press - November 2, 2016Honored to have Green School make this list of innovative school design. This is exactly why and how we and IBUKU designed Green School to be the way it is.
Educators now understand that the environment where a child spends upwards of six hours a day is an important component of learning. A 2015 study, titled Clever Classrooms, found that the physical characteristics of classrooms account for as much as 16 percent of what matters to student achievement. In other words, students need the right classrooms to thrive.
“The classroom design should, whenever possible, feel like their space, like they have some ownership to it,” said Peter Barrett, a professor of management in property and construction at the University of Salford at Manchester and lead researcher on the study. “Learning zones—like reading areas, play areas, an area where students can sit and discuss—are effective. A whole set of different learning opportunities for young children to learn in a flexible way…allow for a whole variety of learning styles.”
Explore the whole list here at Take Part.
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