Soil, Soul and Society by Satish Kumar

Watch - November 4, 2015

“One of the most inspiring speakers I’ve ever heard,” said John Hardy after seeing Satish Kumar speak last month.

Satish Kumar is an internationally renowned speaker on ecological and spiritual issues. When he was only nine years old, Satish renounced the world and joined the wandering brotherhood of Jain monks. He left the monastic order and became a campaigner for land reform, working to turn Gandhi’s vision of a peaceful world into reality, before undertaking an 8,000 mile peace pilgrimage, walking from India to America without any money, through deserts, mountains, storms and snow.

Since 1973 he has been Editor at Resurgence magazine and his books include No Destination; You Are Therefore I Am; Spiritual Compass; Earth Pilgrim.

Satish teaches, lectures and runs workshops on reverential ecology, holistic education and voluntary simplicity. He was awarded an Honorary Doctorates in Education (2000), Literature (2001) and in 2009 an Honorary Doctorate of Law from the University of Exeter.

Satish has regularly contributed to Radio 4’s Thought for the Day and has appeared as a guest on Desert Island Discs. He featured in BBC2’s Natural World Series — Earth Pilgrim: A Spiritual Journey into the Landscape of Dartmoor. Satish is a Vice President at the RSPCA.

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