18 Apr Green Village in Bloomberg
Green Village gets a mention in Bloomberg. Thanks, Gisela Williams! Still, there are many reasons in addition to wellness for imaginative eco-enclaves to sprout up, not only...
Green Village gets a mention in Bloomberg. Thanks, Gisela Williams! Still, there are many reasons in addition to wellness for imaginative eco-enclaves to sprout up, not only...
Juliet Kinsman writes about the 'green family' in CNTraveler: Every morning, John invites guests of Bambu Indah, his boutique hotel outside Ubud, on a “trash walk”...
A great end of year surprise- IBUKU's latest creation Eclipse House made it to the cover of the January 2019 edition of Elle Decor. With photos...
Vogue recently featured IBUKU's work with an interview with Elora Hardy on her inspiration and design philosophy: “A lot of the problem is the curves, but...
This is not an old Balinese painting, in fact, it’s the latest in bamboo architecture, scanned by the incredible Autodesk team who came here to Bali to...
Hot off the press! IBUKU's latest creation for David Hornblow and family at Green Village is in the May edition of Architectural Digest. “It’s really important...
Ari Besar from the Fulbright-National Geographic Digital Storytelling Fellowship visited Green Village and wrote about it here. The structures and homes Ibuku creates feel more like extensions...
Living in Green Village is a unique opportunity to let your kids walk to school through the forest rather than commute 45 minutes or more...
[embed]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iKRoVmPls8s[/embed] Geobeats video on the Green Village. Green Village in Bali, Indonesia is an architectural gem - a dream like setting. Built by the design team, Ibuku,...
An extraordinary community being designed by my daughter, Elora. You can scroll through a plethora of Green Village photos here. Enjoy!...