Dr. Sylvia Earle in Bali
Meet - November 8, 2018This October we had an incredible chance to hear one of the most legendary conservationists of our time talk about the future of our oceans. Dr. Sylvia Earle came to Green School and Bambu Indah to talk to us about what we can do to protect our seas and marine wildlife, and in so doing, restore the health of our planet and secure our future. The evening was also a fundraiser for Mission Blue and their work in setting up hope spots in marine areas throughout the world.
Set in the grounds of Bambu Indah, co-hosted by The Elevation Barn, it was a unique opportunity to raise consciousness, unity and support for one of the greatest causes of our time. Below are some of the most inspiring quotes and ideas raised during the event.
Words of wisdom from Dr Sylvia Earle during her presentation:
“So the sooner we can get people to be aware of what’s happening under the surface of the ocean
To go to places that have been identified for their importance;
either because they are still in great shape or because they are important for reasons that can protect them, the better.”
“I really have hope of recovery. It’s about compassion; It’s about the ethic of respect for other creatures, other forms of life.
But it’s also about us. We need the rest of life on earth. Now the rest of life on earth needs us to take care of the whole living world as if our lives depend on it.
Because they do.”
“This is our chance to make it right, we can make it right now.
Of course we need new ways to generate powers, cope with poverty, war, disease,
but nothing else will matter if we fail to protect the ocean.”
On Hope Spots
“We’re building hope spot communities and we believe they are the change agents. Each hope spot is important and unique, not just because of its critical value to the ocean but because each one of them has a community activated around it. These communities will power change, we amplify the personal stories and their passion.
Through communication campaigns, expeditions, partnerships, we raise the profile of these hope spots. And this again will put pressures on policy makers.”“If you really want to make a difference, make your mark in the history, this is the time to do so!
That’s why I think the kids are so lucky because they have a lifetime to work to change this trajectory built in ignorance into something that is positive, built not just on hope, but on action, really maintaining this blue gem of the planet into an enduring place for all of us.”
Q+A Session
Q : How to apply for Hope Spots?
Go to the website, fill out the form; Tell us about the place you love or the place you care about. Tell us why it matters, who are you, and what you’re going to do about it. You have to make a commitment. It helps to be able to characterize the place you’re talking about- sometimes there is not much information but you know there are plenty of fish. But you are going to find out; work with the community. Figure out who lives here and figure out what it is about that makes this place so special.
Then your form goes to the Council of the International Union for Conservation of Nature and a brain trust of scientists and others who review the application. Sometimes you immediately get stamp of approval right away, sometimes you will get your application back and find “Could you tell us a bit more? What are you really going to do? Who is there with you?“
Eventually, essentially, most of those who have the gumption and will to stand up and say “We want this place to get a stamp of approval.” Share your images, stories, and solutions to problems. Together you have this global community, people who are out there willing to make a difference.
Q: How do you see the future of fisheries? Do you see a trend or recommend something for aquaculture that is going to help us?
We are just beginning to realize that there is a greater value of a live fish than of a dead fish; if you are just thinking about money.
10 years ago, a global study was looking at the trend of where fish were and where they were going if we kept doing what we’re doing. By the middle of this century, commercial fishing will not be possible. There would not be a future for large-scale extraction of wildlife in the sea because they’ll be gone.
The numbers now point to real disaster for Bluefin Tuna, the one that commands the highest prices; only 3% remain of the 1970 population.
This is what happens. Whether you want them you want them alive in the ocean, or on the plate; you better stop killing them now. But we’re not. We are trying to assess how many more we can take to still have tuna on our plate and call it sustainable fishing, which is not really sustainable in the eyes of tuna. The best choice is… eat broccoli!
Q: How can I help the ocean?
You are already doing so by asking the question. You look in the mirror, you think, “What am I good at? What do I care about?”
No two people are alike; they all have faces, they all have personalities. You should ask yourself, “What do I really love to do?”. Be mindful and be careful what you use and of your choices. You can inspire people with letters, poems, songs, pictures, your voice.
Ask them questions, ask them to ask, it’s like a movement. It’s a mission to get people to ask themselves, “What can I do? I’m just one person; I can’t do it all but I can do something.“ If one person asks that in your home, in your community, it’s amazing how things can turn from decline to recovery. I have witnessed it.
The first thing that anybody can do is get up to speed with what we know about the ocean, why does the ocean matter?
Once that gets stuck in your head and you can see what you’re doing is hurting the ocean then you have the ability to pounce on that problem to fix it.
If you don’t know, you can’t care. Start something right here.
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